Opening the Door

Opening the Door is an extension of my work on Justice. If we wish to live in a more just, loving and peaceful world, we must look within ourselves with the same justice.

You must open the door to your own self and unpack – unpack everything painful or shameful in which you were victim, perpetrator, or both. Unpack everything beautiful, and sacred that was always too much to hold. Look carefully at each piece that comes from within. Love it if you can, but if you can’t yet, at least get past hating it. Fear it if you must but at least look at it and recognize that you are afraid. Try, though you often fail, try every day to be daring enough to go about your business while holding your insides in your hands. Don’t stuff them back behind the doors. When you can, set your pieces down and walk away, yes even the sacred things. What flows through the empty space within you that is left behind will be far more sacred. When your hands are empty of these, you can use them for your truest work. Each piece you’ve walked away from will bring all of us closer to justice, and the real work your hands begin will bring us closer still.

Opening the Door Dance Performances

Choreographed by Karen Dito and Krista Samboy in collaboration with the dancers
Performed by Krista Samboy, Monica Dominguez, Viviana Hernandez, Nicole Schwing, Katy Kirkland, and Emma Koslosky

I was spellbound when I saw iphone photos of the early stages of Kim Vanderheiden’s woodcut collages featuring figures with their insides spilling out. As a choreographer, I imagined movements connecting to those pieces.

I gathered a group of seven women from age 15 to 55 to join me. Some were new to dance, some have danced for over 40 years. The Dance Live Dream Center donated rehearsal space. Kim gave us a copy-shop-printed booklet of all of the pieces in her series, “Opening the Door,” and we got to work.

There have been many deeply moving sessions among the dancers as we’ve felt our way through what spilled symbols mean to each of us: stuffing feelings and then letting them go, supporting one another, casting out our demons, and accepting the changes in life with struggle and grace. It’s already been a transformative experience.

Our next steps are making video documentation of the dance, creating costumes, and booking performance space, and arranging exhibitions, so we may invite the public to participate in this moving experience. This work is intense, painful, heartfelt, warm … a truly awesome experience.

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The Snake Charmer (detail) (2017) 52.25×30.5 inches, woodcut, letterpress, sumi ink, pen & ink, collage


Detail showing man holding and meeting gazes with a viper
Detail of The Snake Charmer


Detail of The Snake Charmer

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The Prizewinner (2017) 37.75×26 inches, woodcut, letterpress, sumi ink, pen & ink, collage


Detail of The Prize Winner

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The Controller (2017) 38.25×26 inches, woodcut, letterpress, sumi ink, pen & ink, collage


Detail of The Controller

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The Caller (2017) 52.25×30.5 inches, woodcut, letterpress, sumi ink, pen & ink, collage


Detail of The Caller

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The Bell Ringer (2017) 59×29.25 inches, woodcut, letterpress, offset monotype, sumi ink, pen & ink, collage.


Detail of The Bell Ringer


Detail of The Bell Ringer

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Mrs. Stone (2017) 38.75×26 inches, woodcut, letterpress, monotype, sumi ink, pen & ink, collage


Detail of Mrs. Stone


Detail of Mrs. Stone


Detail of Mrs. Stone


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The Groomer” (2017) 37.25×26 inches, woodcut, letterpress, offset monotype, sumi ink, pen & ink, collage


Detail of The Groomer


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The Examiner (2017) 52.5×29.75” inches, woodcut, letterpress, sumi ink, pen & ink, collage.


Detail of The Examiner


Detail of The Examiner

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The Gunslinger(2017) 38.25×26 inches, woodcut, letterpress, sumi ink, pen & ink, collage


Detail of The Gunslinger


Detail of The Gunslinger

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The Stargazer (2017) 52.25×30.5 inches, woodcut, letterpress, sumi ink, pen & ink, collage


Detail of The Stargazer


Detail of The Stargazer

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The Driver (2017) 52.5×30.5 inches, woodcut, letterpress, offset monotype, sumi ink, pen & ink, collage


Detail of The Driver

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Miss Mouse (2017) 39.5×26 inches, woodcut, letterpress, offset monotype, sumi ink, pen & ink, collage


Detail of Miss Mouse


Detail of Miss Mouse

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The Breadwinner (2017) 52.5×29.75” inches, woodcut, letterpress, offset monotype, sumi ink, pen & ink, collage


Detail of The Breadwinner


Detail of The Breadwinner