We are offering four small workshops on Sundays in July (10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st) each with just 4-5 participants. Each five hour class will meet from 12:30-5:30 pm at our studio in West Oakland, California. These classes are designed such that whether a beginner or experienced artist, you can explore and walk away with new skills.
For health and safety, we will have the garage door, window, and hall door open for ventilation, work stations will be spaced apart, and masks will be required. After our workshops are done, students are invited to join us on Sunday, August 7th for a picnic of your friends and ours, in which we can share work from the classes and studio as we visit with one another. Contact us soon to sign up, as space is limited! The price per class will be $125. To sign up, email info@paintedtonguepress.com.

Drawing for Letterpress
Develop skills to make drawings for letterpress, and how to scan and digitally process drawings for plates. Students have the option to coordinate with the studio to have plates made, and may choose to use these plates in the Letterpress Happenstance class later in the month. There is an additional investment in time and money to create film and plates, and the cost and feasibility will depend on your project. We can discuss, estimate, and plan during the workshop.
July 10th 12:30-5:30

Water Based Monotype
Learn how to prepare plates, supplies to use, ways to use found objects, and how to plan your composition for ghosts. Ghosts are a printmaking technique in which additional prints are pulled from a plate without re-inking. This class works for a variety of skill levels, including people with little experience in art and are open to experimentation, and people skilled in art but new to printmaking or water-based monotype. The approach is inquisitive and lighthearted.
July 17th 12:30-5:30

Monotype Accordion Book
Create a six panel, double-sided, one-of-a-kind accordion book from a single monotype plate. That’s twelve different unique prints from one plate! Use resists, subplates, ghosts and counterprints to extend image options and create variations on the theme across the pages.
July 24th 12:30-5:30

Letterpress Happenstance
Embrace chance using the studio’s Vandercook 4 to make multicolor posters from plates on hand. Gain familiarity with the press and photopolymer plates by arranging plates found in the studio to form the different layers of your poster. We have a lot of interesting plates from over two decades of creative activity! Students are welcome to bring their own steel-backed letterpress plates, or work with us to create plates from work done in the Drawing for Letterpress class.
July 31st 12:30-5:30