I was thrilled to learn last weekend that a piece of mine is in a show with the Tall Grass Arts Association in Park Forest, IL, near Chicago. Due to an email glitch, I had been accepted and hadn’t known. The reception is this Friday. Thankfully, there was just enough time to get the work packaged up and off to the gallery!
The other pieces I’ve seen from the show look really interesting. If you’re in the Chicago area, I recommend including this in your Friday or Saturday plans, and when you do, you can tell me how everything looks, for I’ll be curious! I’ll be in town to see the end of the show, but not at the reception.
Here are the details:
Identity Interpreted and Assumed: Self Portrait
Opening reception: Friday May 23rd 2014, 7-9 pm
Open house: coffee and conversation with juror and artists Saturday, May 24th 11 am.
Juror: Ruth Crnkovich
Curator: Thomas Lanham
367 Artists Walk, Park Forest, IL 60466
website www.tallgrassarts.org, or call the Gallery 708 748 3377
Juror Ruth Crnkovich selected works from 38 artists from around the country who have explored through direct representation and expressive interpretation the self-portrait as a symbol for identity.
Crnkovich, well-known in our region for her roles as director and curator at galleries such as South Shore Arts, The Vietnam Veterans Museum, and our own Tall Grass Gallery, is also a respected art appraiser, and she has chosen works that range from literal portraits to mythical role-playing to symbolic meditations on how the artists see themselves.
Artists included are:
Jamilah Adebesin Mason, Marjorie Anderson, Dale Augustson, Sabine Betschart, Chris Cicala, Catherine Danae, Leonard Ferris, Lynn Garwood, Janet Glazar, Karen Anne Gllick, John Gutierrez, Margi Hafer, Linda Lane Haynes, Mike Helbing, Gregg Hertzlieb, Jeanine Hill-Soldner, Fran Hollander, chawne kimber, Kim Laurel, Laura Lein-Svencner, Jean Lewis, Mikelle Lindsey, Carol Luc, Susan Mahan, Claudia McCarthy, Jennifer Meyer, Mary Lou Novak, Alison Oakes, Joseph Perryman, Alicia Post, Mark Reed, Don Sala, Liz Clayton Scofield, Kim Vanderheiden, Seth Victorious, Jennifer Weigel, Everett Williams, Kristin Woodruff, John Zilewicz.