I have some events on the schedule for the upcoming year. I’ll be writing more about them as they near. Here’s an overview in chronological order:
Artspan SF Open Studios
November 1st & 2nd, 9 am – 9 pm Saturday, 10 am – 8 pm Sunday
I’ll be participating with a group of five artists at Folio Books in Noe Valley. 3957 24th Street, San Francisco, CA 94114
Here is my Artspan artist profile: http://www.artspan.org/artist/kimvanderheiden
I’m creating new work with a special emphasis on work inspired by an as yet unpublished poem by Marly Youmans, author of poetry collections Psyche’s Throne, The Foliate Head, Thaliad, as well as novels Glimmerglass, and Death at the White Camellia Orphanage.
Join us on the eve of November 1st for Folio Book’s 1 year anniversary party!
Follow these links for more info. RSVP is helpful but optional.
Eventbrite link: http://www.eventbrite.com/myevent?eid=13074956547
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/703916609661741/
Picture Book Adventures Drop-in Family Workshop
The Contemporary Jewish Museum
November 23rd, 1-3 pm
736 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
Join me in creating images with my beautiful Griffin etching press. I will demonstrate how to pull your own monotypes through the press, which you can bring home with you that day. http://www.thecjm.org/programs/for-families/679-drop-in-art-making
Solo Exhibition at the Alameda County Law Library
April 3oth – June 19th
Oakland. 125 12th Street, Oakland CA 94607
Reception TBA
May 1st is Law Day! I will be joining the American Bar Association in celebration of the 800th birthday of the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta was originally written by feudal barons to impose restrictions on the King John of England. It has evolved greatly over the course of its history, becoming a code that defends the rights of the common citizen, leading to the rule of constitutional law in England, the U.S. and beyond. As this is a living, changing law, the work I will be displaying will address areas where, as a common citizen in our present time, I would like to see the law develop to serve us even better. More on this to come. Please join me in the sharing of ideas.
Water Street Studios Residency
June/July 2015 – final dates TBA160 S Water St, Batavia, IL 60510
Florida Artist Jenny Zoey Casey and I are pleased to be working in collaboration on a project for the Water Street Studios residency in Batavia, near Chicago. In the fall of 2014 through summer of 2015 we are exchanging a number of phone calls in which one artist describes a scene before them, and the other artist must create the artwork based on the first artist’s description. The sketches and finished pieces that will compose the body of work from this experiment will include Casey’s artwork depicting my life in Oakland, CA and my residency time in Batavia, and my artwork will depict scenes from her life in rural Florida and her separate residency time in Batavia.

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